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Astute Practitioner Alliance

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Service Description

At this critical point in world history, we help leaders to engage people and build resilient, future-fit, agile organisations that can deliver on strategic goals. Our progressive clients are central to this community - systemic, emergent, progressive thinkers who invite us to co-design and implement exciting organisational change initiatives or to help them navigate increasingly complex and wicked challenges. If you are a leader or internal consultant responsible for building an astute organisation, we'd love to invite you to join the Astute Practitioner Alliance. Come and learn with us and "write the textbook" on how to navigate the disruptive, emergent future. We offer 3 levels of membership to this community, all providing great learning and networking value. You are welcome to sign up at + level and move up when you are ready or jump straight in to ++ or +++ and gain maximum benefit. When you sign up for this membership you will be asked to select a start date. Please just find the appointment in the first week of the next month and select that date to activate your membership. You will have complimentary access until then. You will receive an invitation to a welcome session on that date, which is recorded in case you cannot join us live.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details


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