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Our Associates

Rory van der Merwe

Rory is a multi-talented professional who seamlessly integrates his skills as a psychologist, coach, project and change manager to translate strategic goals into practical, real-world outcomes.


His unique blend of abilities allows him to align the efforts of individuals, teams, and organization, resulting in improved business performance.

Frame the Initial Problem or Opportunity

Right up front it helps if you give us the big picture. 

We need to know

  • Important situational facts.

  • The impact you are observing or experiencing.

  • The biggest issues and problems causing or resulting from the situation.

  • Key strengths, resources, advantages or opportunities.

  • What you have tried.

Anchor 1

Engagement Dynamics was born in the natural sciences; in the study of human physiology and psychology. The starting point for all our work is an understanding of people as physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual beings.
​Engagement is a whole person construct. No one is optimally engaged unless they are engaged physically, socially, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually, although it is possible to be partially engaged in some of these individual aspects of personhood.

Detailed Assessment

The nature of the assessment depends on the situation, but we need you to give us a window into what's going on if we are to add real value. 

We may ask a lot of questions to ensure that we get the full picture. The more thorough our understanding of the environment the more effectively we can assist.  We may also use carefully selected tools to assist us in gaining insight.

Envision the Outcomes

Before we start to work we must collaboratively define the end goals.

We'd like to work with you to clarify the tangible outcomes you want to see (transactional objectives) and how people will be different (transformational objectives) because they have been involved in the process.  These objectives help to define the content and methodology of the process. 

Co-create the Process

Together we will draw on science and art to craft a transformational journey map. It is essential to create a solid structure to effectively map a process to achieve the desired outcomes.

In as much as you will allow us, we will co-design a process to weave sustainable change into the fabric of workaday life.  Our objective is to effectively blend science and art to challenge and shift the beliefs, thoughts, feelings and relationships which drive action, behaviour and results. 

The return you will see will always be a reflection of what you invest at this stage of the process.

Form the Team

Our small core team is supported by a large associate team and we believe in transferring skills in larger projects.

We'll gather the right team to provide expertise and manpower to deliver the project. Our consultants, facilitators, trainers and coaches all have loads of experience.. Every team is thoroughly prepared  in the use of our processes and methodologies. 

Do the Work

Our processes are highly participative and emergent. We expect to be surprised. Our deep experience and skill enable us to navigate the complex environment of engaging interactions between people.


We work within the framework of the structured process to allow the real work to happen between people. Our role is to create an environment (transformative milieu) in which profound insight can happen. This deep insight fosters effective strategy, collaboration, innovation, productivity and the numerous other outcomes which our clients seek.  

Navigating Disorder

Transformative processes are deliberately disruptive and the agency of all the participants means that unpredictable things sometimes happen. In short, sometimes things may get worse before they get better. 

This can be difficult to navigate. Trust and communication are vital for successful outcomes. We are so much better equipped to deal with these events when we're kept in the loop, and honest conversations happen regularly. Let us know your concerns as they arise.

Evaluate the Outcomes

Evaluation measures will be designed as part of the process-crafting step identified. Evaluating organisational changes is not a simple process. Immediate evaluation may not always demonstrate the actual changes occurring. Short-term changes may also be diluted by subsequent experiences. 

The more significant or pervasive a life event is,  the more likely people are to change dramatically. Generally learning and growth are gentle, iterative processes. The true measures of success are short, medium and long-term impact. The more comprehensive a programme the greater the impact you can expect to see. The more sustained the intervention, the more sustainable the results.

Customise a design service  

We can customise a design service to suit you and your business! let us know what you're looking for and we will give you a quote - it's easy! Click below to give us the relevant details. 

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