Astute Corps
A Corps (pronounced core) is a group of people engaged in an activity. The Astute Corps is an absolutely brilliant group of people, from across the globe, who care deeply about and are involved in the development of Astute Leaders. Members of the Astute Corps are themselves Astute Leaders, with the knowledge and skills to powerfully influence, profoundly deepen insight, provoke interdependence and propel implementation. We are very privileged to know and partner with them.

Whether you have a postgraduate qualification, are busy with one, or simply love the adventure of discovering and building knowledge you are very welcome to join the Astute Researcher Corps. As a community we mine cutting edge, multi-disciplinary discoveries and cross-pollinate thinking to undergird innovative future-focused leader growth. As a member of the Corps you have access to various knowledge-development communities, discussion forums and the opportunity to apply to join research panels and consulting teams as our business expands across the globe.
If you are a practising or aspirant coach we would love to welcome you to the Astute Coach Corps. As a community we challenge leaders to find their influential voice, to deepen insightful thinking, to foster generative interdependence and to implement with agility. As a member of the Corps you have access to development and networking events, discounted training and the opportunity to apply to join our coaching panels as our business expands across the globe.
Whatever your skill, if you are a perfomer who makes beautiful art, you are welcome to join our Astute Artist Corps. As a community we believe that art in all its forms is the most transformative tool we have and we use it to deliver powerful, provocative experiences and pivotal moments which challenge and transform people. As a member of the Corps you have access to the people who are defining our Astute Leader development messaging, you are able to join creative thinking circles and to collaborate to make and perform the elements which go into our beautiful, irresistible and useful solutions.
If you are a practising or aspirant facilitator we would love to welcome you to the Astute Facilitator Corps. As a community we prioritise engagement; assisting others to make choices to collectively define intention, deepen connection and drive action. As a member of the Corps you have access to development and networking events, accreditation, discounted training and the opportunity to apply to join our facilitator panelS as our business expands across the globe.
If you are a practising or aspirant consultant we would love to welcome you to the Astute Consultant Corps. As a community our knowlege and experience equip us to craft and deliver outstanding solutions to the huge challenges confronting organisations as they navigate the peri-Covid and tech-driven world. As a member of the Corps you have access to development and networking events, accreditation, discounted training, highy skilled and creative design teams, powerful models and frameworks and the opportunity to apply to join our consulting panels as our business expands across the globe.
If you are a practising or aspirant speaker we would love to welcome you to the Astute Speaker Corps. As a community we showcase thought-leadership, expand leader perspectives and enhance visibility. As a member of the Corps you have access to development and networking events, discounted training and the opportunity to apply to join speaker panels for our various events and speaker showcases.
If you are an innovative thinker or creative genius eager to contribute to the design of beautiful, irresistible and useful solutions for the development of leaders, teams or organisations we would love to welcome you to the Astute Designer Corps. This talented multi-disciplinary community builds the solutions which we sell to our clients. As a member of the Corps, you have access to experienced curriculum and programme developers and a pool of creatives eager to collaborate to make exceptional, engaging solutions with hugely transformative impact.