Astute Solutions
Never in our lifetime has so much needed to change so quickly for so many people. NO-ONE has ever been here before. We are all navigating a new world with its changes, complexities and conflicts. So, what value can consultants add?
Can we categorically tell you what will happen and what you should do? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Our role is to use tried and tested methods of exploring challenges, engaging wise minds, fostering powerful interactions and co-designing and implementing complex and adaptive strategies to assist you to navigate unchartered waters.
We love co-designing transformative strategies with our clients. It is so great when a client says "We want to........ Can you help us figure out how?" The answer is always "Yes" if we feel it is an engagement challenge. We're observing that clients are increasingly interested in exploring new ways of leading people and organisations and we are experts at helping them to devise new strategies and processes that yield the results they are seeking. Some of the materials which we can use to craft your solution include:
![]() Frame: Dynamic EngagementOptimal contribution follows optimal engagement which we equate to organisational and personal investment. Engagement is a highly individualised concept and our proprietary Dynamic Engagement Framework© provides a useful diagnostic frame for exploring engagement, culture and performance gaps, the challenges which exacerbate them and the leadership choices which result in positive change. | ![]() Assessment: StrengthsAlthough not essential, we prefer to include a powerful assessment in all our strategic interventions which identifies the innate talents and wiring of role players. The results of this assessment quickly identify the vulnerabilities (mismanaged strengths) which are often the root of workplace challenges as well as the strengths available for development and progress. Understanding genuine weaknesses and developing strategies for managing these is also a vital part of the process. | ![]() Frame: Greatness CanvasThe Greatness Canvas is our transformational roadmap. Once a strategy has been established we use the Canvas to enable individuals, teams and organisations to navigate a developmental journey which focuses on the drivers which are most relevant to their objectives and customised to their unique issues, goals and environment. |
![]() Assessment: Barrett's CTTThe Barrett's Cultural Transformation Tool Assessments are powerful diagnostic instruments for supporting the growth and development of organisations, leaders, society, schools, and individuals. More and more leaders are recognising that their culture is the key to their success. They are devoting a significant amount of time and resources to measuring and managing their values and monitoring their cultures by listening to feedback from key stakeholders. | ![]() Process DesignA core competency is our ability to design highly-effective transformative interaction processes, aligned to strategic business objectives. We integrate structure and strategy with emergent insight and balance clear direction with autonomous exploration to serve both group and individual needs. Guided by the principles of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle and our Science of Business frames, we create a safe milieu for collective thinking, relating, learning, decision-making and planning. | ![]() Innovative StrategyThe most exciting work we get to do begins with a client presenting an engagement challenge to us and asking us to help them to find a new way to resolve the conundrums which they face. Unlike competitors who offer one-size fits all methods which lack inspiration, conform to out-dated learning and development models and are delivered by inexperienced practitioners, our fresh and innovative approaches work because they are surprising, strategic and driven by good science. |
![]() CoachingWe build highly personalised, strategically-directed executive and team coaching processes for each client, based on their development priorities and whole-person growth needs. Our eclectic approach is founded on three key influences - Cognitive Behavioural Theory, Positive Psychology and Whole Person Theory. A large number of personal, leadership and organisational development frameworks and theories, our own proprietary models and personal leadership experience are introduced where relevant. | ![]() Science of BusinessSome of our favourite scientific lenses include Choice Theory, the Iceberg Model, Rational Emotive Therapy, SWOT, Gestalt, Seven Habits, Situational Leadership, Transactional Analysis, Five Dysfunctions, Neuroscientific frames, Cynefin Framework, Emotional Intelligence, Immunity to Change, Lean Start-up, Exponential Organisations, Innovation, Creativity & Flow Theory. We are constantly researching the work of thought leaders and academics to enrich our knowledge base and expand our toolkit. | ![]() FacilitationWith decades of experience our lead facilitators use established and specifically crafted processes to guide groups through development interventions and leadership learning experiences. We have deep insight into individual and group dynamics, can read and lead a room and utilise highly participative and creative methodologies to engage each individual and optimise interaction. |
![]() Integrated Messaging StrategyWhenever possible we prefer to co-create a comprehensive messaging strategy to accompany and support the work which we do. These strategies can include online learning modules, social media campaigns and workplace design. | ![]() Exercise ToolkitWe invent and source highly effective, participative exercises and games to foster meaningful interaction, engaged thought and experiential shift. As fast as we can, we design tangible resources that enable participants to capture insights, stimulate new ideas, alter perspectives and enliven conversations. When our clients are adventurous we will co-create deeply impactful experiences which take participants out of their familiar worlds to shift mindsets and stimulate new ideas. | ![]() Whole-person CreativityThe very bravest of our clients allow us to introduce elements of the arts into the strategies and processes which we design with them. The more of the 5 senses and 5 aspects of personhood (physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual) we can engage, the more profound the transformation. Well-crafted, art-based interventions placed with respect, finesse and subtlety into a solution strongly enhance impact. |
![]() GamesThere is much hype around gamification in the organisational environment, commonly relying on competition to coerce participation. Game theory, strategy and interaction are all inter-related and a deeper understanding of game mechanics and design enables powerful transformational experiences to be created. | ![]() Transdiciplinary ExplorationWhere relevant we will cross boundaries and explore the applicability of other disciplines to the challenges we seek to solve - with amazing results! |