Astute Teams
Teams are struggling as they navigate challenges like returning to work, mass resignations, hybrid working, rapid rescaling and the mandate to recover. Our team cohesion workshops are focused on deep team development. They vary from one-off sessions to long-term partnering aimed at significantly increasing team effectiveness. We'll tailor a solution to your specific context, time frames and budget.
Maximising the impact of people leading in the current crucible of complexity, change and conflict, by...
Reenergising disconnected, disjointed and dysfunctional teams.
In partnership with Heather and Margaret Barrie and Three Cornered Hat, UK.....
For TEAMS that are:
•. Returning to the office.
•. Disconnected, disjointed or dysfunctional.
•. Forming or re-forming.
•. Unfocused and floundering.​
•. Just wanting to keep improving.
Work TOGETHER to focus attention on:
•. Deepening cohesion and co-operation.
•. How personal and team identities are changing.
•. What the current context demands.
•. Reducing entropy.
•. What now?
Development Focus Areas
Focus Area Menu
The Programme Designer will work with you to select the most relevant focus areas for your workshop or development journey. This is not an exhaustive list.
• Having fun together.
• Getting to know or re-know one another.
• Exploring changing personal and interpersonal dynamics.
• Understanding each other's roles, pressures and needs.
• Deepening commitment and engagement.
• Enhancing team communication, cohesion and inclusion.
• Enhancing psychological safety and team generativity.
• Reducing entropy, fostering diversity or mitigating conflict.
• Harnessing or developing collaborative potential.
• Increasing teaming, facilitation or leadership competence.
• Growing team skills and knowledge.
• Collaborative sense-making.
• Thinking creatively together.
• Making critical decisions.
• Defining team identity, core beliefs and values.
• Exploring and envisioning the "Imaginable Next".
• Developing or implementing a departmental strategy.
• Clarifying roles and responsibilities or refining ways of working.
• Navigating or driving departmental change.
• Achieving a team objective or improving results.
• Understanding and overcoming performance obstacles.
Development Team
Heather Barrie
Janet du Preez
Margaret Barrie
Frames of Reference
Dynamic Engagement Framework
Our proprietary Dynamic Engagement Framework© provides a useful sense-making frame for exploring and shifting engagement, culture and performance.
Astute Implementation Guide
The Astute Implementation Guide is our transformational roadmap. We use it to structure our interventions and to enable individuals, teams and organisations to navigate their developmental journeys.
Strengths Assessment
The powerful strengths assessment we like to include in all our strategic interventions identifies the innate talents and wiring that is central to how people engage with their world.
Engagement Landscape
Our research led us to develop the Engagementt Landscape as an alternative to the traditional Engagement Continuum. It helps our clients to understand disengagement at a more granular level and to identify what needs to change in order to increase engagement.
Astute DeSign Framework
The Astute DeSign Framework is a roadmap for emergent design and organisational strategy in a volatile environment. It has been influenced by Design Thinking and Lean Start-up Methodology